The internet is under attack. The FCC wants to get rid of net neutrality rules that give us our freedom on the internet. Without these restrictions in place, ISPs (internet service providers) can restrict our freedom on the internet. They can censor websites, slow down websites, and charge extra for things that you haven't ever needed to pay for. The reason why I am writing this article is that not many people know what net neutrality is. We need to let people know what they will lose if the FCC gets rid of our freedoms on the internet.

First of all, without net neutrality regulations in place, websites can be censored. ISPs can censor parts of websites, or block them entirely. They can censor things that they don't agree with. This leads to a completely biased internet world. Second of all, ISPs can charge extra for access to certain websites. This could result in the internet becoming a lot like cable TV, as you pay extra for access to certain channels. Imagine paying extra just to access YouTube! Third of all, ISPs can slow down your internet for certain websites. One reason why they may want to do this is to create unfair competition. For example, Verizon could slow down video streaming sites like Netflix in order to get people to get their TV streaming services. Or, they could make your internet so slow that you have to pay a fortune just to make it faster.

So know you know. Without net neutrality, the internet will no longer be what it used to be. Today is the national Internet Day of Action. Today we take a stand and tell the FCC that they can't do this.

Click here to talk back to the FCC
